From: Dan Huff

Sent: Thu Jun 22 14:27:49 2017

To: Mike Simmons

Cc: Jesse Winterowd; Gerald Fisher; Aldo Rodriguez

Subject: RE: Projects status and info request

Importance: Normal


What I can tell you is that we have signed a contract with Clackamas County to examine our Plan/Zone conflicts and they are working on that process. The process for examining UGA issues begins with the City.

As far as Utility issues – the City has not examined expansion areas for utilities as far as I know but our plan to pursue the Wastewater Facility Plan will do just that. This information should come from the City.

From: Mike Simmons []

Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 10:41 AM

To: Dan Huff <>

Cc: Jesse Winterowd <>; Gerald Fisher <>; Aldo Rodriguez <>

Subject: Re: Projects status and info request

Hi Dan,

Thank you for the update it is very helpful. I do have a couple of follow on questions & comments in Green below.




From: Dan Huff <>

Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 3:38 PM

To: Mike Simmons

Cc: Jesse Winterowd; Gerald Fisher; Aldo Rodriguez

Subject: RE: Projects status and info request

I have responded below in red.

From: Mike Simmons []

Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 3:41 PM

To: Dan Huff <>

Subject: Projects status and info request

Hi Dan,

I have been asking Jesse what the work content and needed items are for him to complete the studies and work he has been contracted to do. Out of that discussion came a few questions for the City.

1. What do you think the current schedule is for Moving the Buildable Lands Inventory and Comprehensive Plan/Zone Changes through the system? The county is doing this through the City Process, but it’s not clear where in the process they are. I do not know the answer to this question specifically. The Count will respond to our process and weigh in as needed however. MS, I guess I'm still unsure of where we are. Are we waiting for the county to finish a task or is the county waiting for the city to complete a process?

2. Two items are needed to finalize the Residential Land Needs

a. Recent development (Jesse submitted a records request, but has not received the information) Who did the request go to? If you are looking for building permits the best agency is Douglas County Building Department since we contract with them for that service. Have him send me the PIR OK thanks.

b. If the Code Update will be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, or if it will result in significant changes to density. Yes, it will be consistent.

3. Help is needed from Public Works, Jesse has had difficulty in contacting the city engineer. What is needed is information on facilities needs for determining cost to provide public facilities findings for expansion areas. Clearly Public works help is needed here. What I believe Jesse is asking for is a cost analysis based on service expansion into this area. We are well aware that this information is important but we do not currently have that information. We are embarking on a new Wastewater Facility Plan however (the current Plan is 20 years old) that will produce this information. The City would need to hire this analysis out to our consulting engineering firm. In my opinion, there is no way to have it ready for the July meeting even if it was a budgeted item at this point. MS, Jesse could answer better, but I believe the request is to understand the facility needs in each possible direction in order to then calculate a cost in each direction. It makes sense the wastewater plan is involved in that. It seems most important for July or any presentation to be able to show the most accurate data, and to have an open understanding of where new information will come from, and when that it require an update.

a. What improvements are needed, and what these improvements will cost for different expansion directions.

b. This is critical information for the URA and UGB findings.

4. When complete, Residential Lands Needs Report should be adopted as a supporting document to the Comprehensive Plan, and the Comprehensive Plan needs to be updated to reflect the new population and needs. It has been my understanding is the City will be leading that adoption process, but more clarity is needed on who exactly will be in charge, and the approximate timeframes. The best answer I can give you is that once the information is complete we will go to the City Council for direction. In other words the Governing Body needs to direct the Planning Commission to proceed with the process. Once that occurs city staff will provide the necessary notices and the process can begin. The City of Molalla will process through the City and send it on to the County. And then through DLCD. MS, Understood, thanks

Jesse’s plan is to bring a proposed URA expansion map for discussion next meeting. But he really needs to know the items above to be progressing and solidifying.

Thanks in advanced for your help.

Best Regards,

Mike Simmons