From: Dave Larson
Sent: Wed Jun 10 10:31:19 2015
To: Jennifer Cline (
Cc: Nicolas Lennartz (; Todd Johnson
Subject: Floragon Site
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image002.png; Jennifer-It was nice meeting with you, Nick, and Dan last week. I am now starting to pull my research together, and I am looking for some plan information that I hope you have on hand… 1-Plans for the pump station at Molalla Ave/Bear Creek, including any known gravity pipes feeding into the wetwell 2-Capacity information for the pump station, along with any known problems. As of now, I am predicting 700-1,000 gallons per day from the proposed uses. 3-Plans for the water mains near Section/Settler, including location and size of the master meter (with backflow device?) that had served the property. 4-Would the City or local fire district have fire hydrant flow data near the master meter? Whatever you might have that could be scanned and sent to me would be very helpful. I also plan on another site visit, early/mid next week, if it would be better for me to stop by and review documents at your office….let me know what is best Thanks! Dave David G. Larson, PE Project Manager Architecture · Interiors · Engineering · Planning P 360.695.7879 W C 503-887-4222 Columbia Bank Building 500 Broadway Suite 460 Vancouver, WA 98660 This email is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is intended solely for the addressee. If you are not the intended recipient, access is prohibited. As email can be altered, its integrity is not guaranteed.