From: Patrick Bolan

Sent: Tue Oct 11 08:38:02 2016


Subject: development on Hwy 213

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg;


Hi Gary,

Our company is considering a purchasing 31302 S. Highway 213, and building a 4,000 sf pole barn behind the existing house. The zoning works for our light industrial purposes, and I’ve vetted the construction with the County. Geochron is trying to determine if this property, and the costs associated with its development, will work.

We have a few questions about what the city may require in regards to

- Sanitary tie in

- Frontage roads improvements

- If this property qualifies within an Enterprise Zone

- If the city is still waiving Service Development Charges

We don’t need specifics at this point, just a conversation about general scope so we can budget accordingly. We are currently leasing in Oregon City, and it’s coming due soon.

Can I chat with you sometime this week? I’m happy to come to your office at your convenience, or the phone is fine too.



800-342-1661 xt 113


See the 60-second video.