From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Mon Sep 09 08:56:43 2019

To: Morgan Will; Gerald Fisher

Cc: 'Steve Kay'; Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: Coho Street Subdivision Questions

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png; image002.png; image003.png; image004.png; image005.png; image006.png; City Council Appeal Findings.pdf;


Good morning Morgan:

All of these questions would be best answered at a pre-application meeting. When I spoke with Gerald, he did not see any justification for modifications to our standards relating to driveways, dead ends or deferral of highway frontage improvements. Further, the need for lot area adjustments is needed due to the exceptions requested with driveways, and dead ends. If we are communicating only via email and not in a pre-app meeting, we have no way of knowing the alternatives you considered or the constraints you faced when designing this proposed subdivision. We look forward to more dialogue in the context of a pre-app meeting.

I also understand that the Molalla City Council adopted specific findings about the deferral of sidewalks. I suspect you have a copy of those findings. If not, I have attached them.

I have included a link to the pre-app form for your reference. We look forward to meeting when your team is ready.


Alice Cannon

From: Morgan Will <>

Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2019 4:23 PM

To: Gerald Fisher <>

Cc: Alice Cannon <>; 'Steve Kay' <>

Subject: Coho Street Subdivision Questions

Hello Gerald,

Following our pre-app with the City where we were looking at a 3-lot partition, when we learned the City zoning code had changed, we took a new look at our property:

Tax Lot 200 on Clackamas County Tax Map 5 2E 09DA (see attached tax map)

Could I ask you to review the attached list of questions with appropriate review staff at the City and get back to me with answers? (See also attached Concept Plan)

We’d like to know the answers so we can decide how to move forward with development planning for this property.

I’m assuming if we proceed to pursue a subdivision we’ll need schedule a new pre-application meeting where we could have further discussion about our proposal, which we can do, but first we’d appreciate receiving answers to the attached questions so we can decide if we want to move forward with a subdivision application like this one, or not.

I look forward to hearing back from you.


Morgan Will


Development Manager, Acquisitions & Development

Stafford Development Company, LLC



Office: (503) 305-7647 ext. 203

Direct: (971) 206-8615

Mobile: (503) 939-3902




NEW: 8840 SW Holly Lane, Wilsonville, OR 97070


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