From: BRUMLEY Seth A

Sent: Fri Dec 02 11:51:55 2016

To: 'Dan Huff'

Cc: Gerald Fisher; TAYAR Abraham * Avi

Subject: FW: ODOT Case # 6972 14999 S Highway 211-Shirley Bank Subdivision

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 06972_08270_RESPCFORM.docx;


Hi Dan,

If you and Gerald feel that my updated letter does not accurately represent the municipal code, please use this previous version at the next Planning Commission meeting. I believe it conveys the same intent, but it may be less confusing to not refer to the code.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns,


From: []

Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2016 11:44 AM


Cc: JEFFREY James A *Andy;; BRUMLEY Seth A

Subject: ODOT Case # 6972 14999 S Highway 211-Shirley Bank Subdivision


Hi Dan,

I have attached ODOT comments on the Shirley Bank subdivision for your meeting tonight. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Thank you,


Seth Brumley

ODOT Region 1 Planner

123 NW Flanders St.

Portland, OR 97209

(503) 731-8234