From: BRUMLEY Seth A

Sent: Fri Nov 18 13:59:51 2016

To: 'Gerald Fisher'

Cc: TAYAR Abraham * Avi

Subject: Shirley Bank Subdivision/Stone Place

Importance: Normal


Hi Gerald,

I am leaving for vacation this afternoon and won’t be back until Monday the 28th. If you need to talk to someone about Shirley Bank and Stone Place, please contact:

Avi Tayar. P.E. | Oregon Department of Transportation | Region 1 | Planning & Research Program | Development Review Engineering Team Lead

123 NW Flanders St | Portland, OR 97209 | (: 503-731-8221 | 7: 503-731-8259 | *:

Thank you,

Seth Brumley

ODOT Region 1 Planner

123 NW Flanders St.

Portland, OR 97209

(503) 731-8234