From: Dan Huff
Sent: Wed Sep 07 14:37:19 2016
To: Steve Kay
Cc: Gerald Fisher
Subject: RE: Shirley Bank Subdivision
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Neighbor comments.pdf; You are welcome to bring your own copies for the Commission to submit into the record since the meeting is tonight. I have also attached e-mail responses from neighbors that you may want to review. From: Steve Kay [] Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 1:56 PM To: Gerald Fisher <>; 'Dan Huff (Molalla)' <> Subject: Shirley Bank Subdivision Importance: High Gerald and Dan, Below is a link to a supplemental memo which has been prepared by the applicant. Please forward this email to the Planning Commissioners and print a copy of the document for tonight’s meeting. Thank you, Steve Kay, AICP Cascadia Planning + Development Services 503-804-1089