Sent: Wed Dec 02 14:50:58 2020

To: Mac Corthell

Cc: Gerald Fisher; RODRIGUEZ Myriam * Marcela; TAYAR Abraham * Avi; BOLEN Glen A

Subject: ODOT Molalla PLA Ona Ln Comments 12_2_20.pdf

Importance: Normal

Attachments: ODOT Molalla PLA Ona Ln Comments 12_2_20.pdf;


Hi Mac,

ODOT has had the opportunity to discuss the proposed PLAs that would create the r/w for Ona Lane as well as new lot lines for tax lots 8701, 8702, 8703 and 8704 with the applicant as well as review the city’s code. In an effort to provide more clarification regarding the PLAs and access to the newly created parcels at the time of redevelopment, I have prepared the attached letter.

We appreciate the City’s commitment to the safe operation of OR 211 through implementation of the City’s TSP Access Management Plan and ODOT access spacing standards.

Please let me know whether you have any questions or would like to discuss further and share this information with the applicant.

