From: Spencer Parsons

Sent: Tue Apr 28 07:33:17 2020

To: Alice Cannon

Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; Kristen Ketchel-Bain

Subject: FW: Bear Creek PUD - City of Molalla Planning File No. P70-2015

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png; Bear Creek Approval History - Parsons (042720).pdf;



Spencer Q. Parsons

Beery Elsner & Hammond, LLP

From: Bryan Cavaness []

Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 6:35 PM

To: Spencer Parsons

Cc: Gordon Root; Andrew Stamp; Morgan Will; Spencer Vetter; Paul Lymberis

Subject: Bear Creek PUD - City of Molalla Planning File No. P70-2015

Good evening, Spencer. Per your discussion with Andrew Stamp last week, we are providing a detailed summary of the underlying record and the Planning Commission’s decision concerning the Bear Creek PUD that demonstrates there is no basis to demand Stafford dedicate additional public right-of-way and construct off-site public improvements to extend Ona Way to Highway 211 until Tax Lot 8702 (formerly Tax Lot 3202) is developed with a new use consistent with the current R-3 zoning.

We will provide a link to the Exhibits referenced in the attached correspondence in a separate email.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Please contact me or Andrew if you have questions about any of the matters we have raised.


Bryan Cavaness

General Counsel

Land Development Manager


8840 SW Holly Lane

Wilsonville, Oregon 97070

CCB No. 203562

Office: 503.908.8390

Mobile: 503.332.6699

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