From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Wed Mar 25 12:20:49 2020


Cc: Gerald Fisher; Dan Zinder

Subject: Stafford Pre-App tomorrow at 2:00: Do you have written comments?b Importance: Normal


Hi Mike,

We saw each other last week in Gerald’s office. At that time you said a previous “gentleman’s agreement” existed concerning the fire access and the construction of Ona Way. You indicated you had an old email that shows Mr. Gordon Root committing to dedicating and building Ona Way within a certain time period. Some questions for you:

  1. 1. Do you have that email? Can you forward it to me? It would be very helpful.


  1. 2. Are you planning to prepare written comments about this project?


  1. 3. Are you planning to participate by phone or in person at the pre-app? As you know City Hall is closed. The applicants will be calling in to a conference call number for this project. ODOT will call in too. The only people in attendance at our meeting will be: Gerald, DZ, and Alice. You are welcome to join us, if you want….or call in.


  1. 4. Conference Call Call-In # is:


Here is the call-in number: (503) 759-0001

Participant Code: 703936

If you are having any trouble, you may call my cell phone at (503) 680-2515.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Alice Cannon

    1. a.