From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Thu Nov 07 08:56:13 2019


Cc: Gerald Fisher; Dan Zinder; Julie Larson

Subject: Pre-App on 11/21/19

Importance: Normal


Hi Spencer and Bryan:

Just wanted to let you know that we are looking forward to our Pre-App with you on Thursday, November 21 for the multi-family proposal along 211 on the south side of the Bear Creek Subdivision. ODOT has been invited to that pre-app.

Regarding a reschedule of a pre-app at 14999 S. Highway 211, we are already booked up for pre-apps that day. We hadn’t yet received the “design evolution” plans from you so we didn’t hold that time. We can always schedule that once you send that information. We will just add those plans to your existing narrative. We schedule pre-apps two weeks after we receive the information from applicants. The next available date is December 5 due to the Thanksgiving holiday. You should get the information in because we’re starting to get busy again with pre-apps.

Let me know if you have questions.
