From: Darlene Bishop
Sent: Thu Aug 29 12:40:13 2019
To: Alice Cannon; Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher
Cc: Dan Zinder
Subject: RE: I plan to issue to Dr. Orr Partition Decision today
Importance: Normal
Ok, no problem
From: Alice Cannon <>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2019 12:34 PM
To: Dan Huff <>; Gerald Fisher <>
Cc: Darlene Bishop <>; Dan Zinder <>
Subject: I plan to issue to Dr. Orr Partition Decision today
FYI – We are up against the 120 day clock again and we still haven’t heard what the applicant intends to do (after extending the 120-day deadline twice) so I called Kaitlin Berger from Dowl today and told her we would be issuing the decision today. If it’s appealed, it will go to the October 2, Planning Commission meeting and the November 13, 2019 CC meeting.
Let me know if you have questions. Darlene: I may need your help with a couple pieces of mail today….but it won’t be a large mailing. Maybe one or two pieces of mail.