From: Kaitlin Berger

Sent: Fri Jul 12 16:26:29 2019

To: Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: Call to review public improvements for MP03-2019 (Molalla Medical Partition)

Importance: Normal


Hi Gerald,

Thank you for your response. We’d like to keep the call, assuming you’re still available. The client would like the opportunity to discuss the requirement and make their case. You can call in to the Skype conference line. Dial +19073022852 and then enter the Conference ID: 20486261



Kaitlin Berger, AICP

Land Use Planner




(971) 280-8641 | office

(971) 229-8325 | direct


-----Original Appointment-----

From: Gerald Fisher <>

Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 12:44 PM

To: Kaitlin Berger

Subject: Tentative: Call to review public improvements for MP03-2019 (Molalla Medical Partition)

When: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:00 AM-10:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada).

Where: Skype Meeting

Hi Kaitlin,

Am getting caught up on emails. Have reviewed your request regarding the roadway improvements. The code section you referenced does not apply in this case and the development agreement is what I have to follow. I don’t have the authority to waive the requirements. Let me know if we still need to meet. I don’t have Skype so send me a phone number I can conference all in on. Thanks.
