From: Nicolas Lennartz

Sent: Tue Aug 02 16:09:13 2016

To: Gerald Fisher

Subject: FW: Two items

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image.jpg; 15202-20160317-Storm Drainage Easement-Corporation.docx; P31-2016 FINAL.pdf;




Do we have a residential storm drainage easement template? Steve Smelser needs to record an easement for the City for a new residential development at 819 Alyssa (findings attached).

I know you sent several templates back in March, and looking at them they look like temporary easements. I could go through and amend this one, but if you have one all ready to go from previous work, then it would save some time.



Nicolas Lennartz | Community Planner | City of Molalla

O: 503∙759∙0219 | C: 503∙998∙7048

communityplanner at

117 N. Molalla Ave. | Molalla, OR 97038

image "file:///C:



From: Steve Smelser []

Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2016 3:51 PM

To: Molalla City - Nicolas Lennartz <>

Subject: Two items

Hi Nicolas,

1. you were going to send me a template for the access easement that I need to do for lot 19 Alyssa Meadows (819 Alyssa Ct.)

2. I would like to pick up the permit for 780 E 8th St., (lot 10 Alyssa Meadows) next week if possible.



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