From: Nicolas Lennartz
Sent: Wed Jul 20 12:23:51 2016
To: 'Kirt Feuerborn'
Cc: 'Gerald Fisher'
Subject: 723 Burghardt Comments
Importance: Normal
While we get our review together for the duplex, there are a couple important changes that need to be made to the proposal.
- all drainage coming from the house is going to be channeled to the street.
- erosion control silt fence shall be required around the perimeter of the property. Also silt bags are required for all storm drains that are nearby.
- Architectural design needs to meet the following standards:
A. Attached Single-Family (Townhouses and Row Houses) and Duplexes. Single-family attached housing with 3 or more dwellings (lots), and attached duplex housing (2 or more consecutively attached duplexes), shall comply with the standards in subsections (A)(1) and (2), which are intended to control development scale; avoid or minimize impacts associated with traffic, parking, and design compatibility; and ensure management and maintenance of common areas.
1. Alley Access Required for Subdivisions Principally Containing Townhomes or Duplexes. Subdivisions, or phases of subdivisions, proposed to contain 3 or more consecutively attached single-family dwellings, and developments with 2 or more attached duplexes (4+ dwelling units), shall provide vehicle access to all such lots and units from an alley or parking court. Alley(s) and parking court(s) shall be created at the time of subdivision approval, and may be contained in private tracts or, if approved by the City, in public right-of-way, in accordance with Section 18.16.020, Transportation Standards, and Chapter 19.12, Land Divisions.
2. Common Areas. Any common areas (e.g., landscaping, private tracts, common driveways, private alleys, building exteriors, and/or similar common areas) shall be owned and maintained by a homeowners association or other legal entity. A copy of any applicable covenants, restrictions and conditions shall be recorded and provided to the City prior to building permit approval.
3. Configuration and Façades. Primary dwelling front façades shall be designed with at least 2 balconies or bay windows. Façades facing a public street or designated access way shall not consist of a blank wall. Window trim shall not be flush with exterior wall treatment. Windows shall be provided with an architectural surround at the jamb, head and sill.
4. Entries and Porches. Porches are required for each unit and must be located immediately adjacent to the primary entry. Porches may be located within 15 feet of the street. Porches must cover at least 50% of the primary façade (not including the garage) with a net depth of at least 6 feet.
5. Roofs. Hipped, gambrel or gabled roofs are required. Flat, sheet metal, plastic, or Spanish tile are not permitted roof types.
6. Accessory Dwellings.
a. A maximum of 2 accessory structures may be permitted subject to lot coverage limitations.
b. An accessory structure and its projections shall be detached and separated from other structures by at least 3 feet.
c. Accessory structures shall be built with the same material and in the same style as the primary structure.
d. Only 1 accessory structure may exceed 100 square feet in area. Those greater than 100 square feet shall meet the following requirements:
i. The accessory structure shall be constructed with similar exterior building materials as that to the primary dwelling.
ii. The square footage of the accessory structure shall not exceed either 500 square feet or the square footage of the ground floor of the primary dwelling, whichever is less.
e. The accessory structure shall not exceed either 16 feet in height or the height of the primary dwelling whichever is less.
f. Accessory structures shall not be placed between the front façade of the primary unit and the front lot line.
7. Off-Street Parking. At least 1 off-street parking space shall be located in a garage. No required parking or loading space shall be used for storing a recreational vehicle, camper, or boat.
8. Garage/Driveway Requirements. Garages shall be located off of alleys whenever feasible. Garages and driveways shall also abide by the following requirements:
a. A front access attached garage contained within the dwelling structure shall be recessed at least 2 feet behind the front façade (not including porches, bays and other architectural features) and at least 20 feet from the street right-of-way.
b. Front façades, which are above front access garages, shall have 1 or more windows or an architectural feature placed above the garage opening.
c. If located in the front, the garage opening and the driveway shall not exceed a width of 10 feet.
d. Tandem (end-to-end) parking is permitted.
Please amend the design proposal, otherwise we will have to attach a myriad of conditions to the approval once it’s ready.
Nicolas Lennartz | Community Planner | City of Molalla
O: 503∙759∙0219 | C: 503∙998∙7048
communityplanner at
117 N. Molalla Ave. | Molalla, OR 97038