From: Dan Huff
Sent: Tue Mar 28 10:24:43 2017
Cc: Gerald Fisher; 'Brenda Siegel'
Subject: 717 and 719 E. Main
Importance: Normal
Aldo – I received a call from Tina Teel yesterday regarding 717 and 719 E. Main. She was asking about a Lot Line Adjustment for 717 and an issue with a fire hydrant on 719. Tina is one of the Price brother’s wife. Please get back to them regarding the Lot Line Adjustment and find out the issue with the fire hydrant. They believe the mini storage project stuck a hydrant on their property without permission. Tina’s phone number is 503-680-7344.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
(503) 829-6855
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