From: Michelle Swartout

Sent: Thu Mar 19 10:16:18 2020

To: Alice Cannon; Gerald Fisher

Subject: FW: Pre-App on Thursday at 2:00 for 640 Lakota

Importance: Normal


Good morning,

I wanted to check in and see if you would like video conferencing or screen sharing available for the pre-app meeting this afternoon.

If you are okay with just a conference call that works too, but wanted to double check on the extras.

Thank you,

Michelle Swartout


P: 503.563.6151 Ext. 263 | |

From: Michelle Swartout

Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 5:44 PM

To: Alice Cannon <>

Cc: Chris Goodell <>; Jacki Herb <>

Subject: RE: Pre-App on Thursday at 2:00 for 640 Lakota

Hi Alice,

Thank you for checking in. I just got off the phone with our client and if it’s okay with you, we would like to do a conference call.

I can go ahead and set that up and send out the information to you so we are all on the same page.

Would you like to have video available or just a phone call?

Thank you,

Michelle Swartout


P: 503.563.6151 Ext. 263 | |

From: Alice Cannon <>

Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 5:36 PM

To: Michelle Swartout <>

Subject: FW: Pre-App on Thursday at 2:00 for 640 Lakota

EXTERNAL EMAIL: This email originated from outside of AKS Engineering & Forestry. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 5:35 PM

To: 'Chris Goodell' <>; 'Jacki Herb' <>

Cc: Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: Pre-App on Thursday at 2:00 for 640 Lakota


We are looking forward to our pre-app meeting with you at 2:00 tomorrow – Thursday, March 19. Gerald Fisher and I will be there.

Due to concerns about the spread of COVID-19, we are happy to hold the meeting in person or by conference call. It is your choice. We would appreciate having your team be composed of no more than five people so we can keep enough distance from one another in the City Hall Conference Room. Fire Marshal Mike Penunuri won’t be able to attend our meeting but has given us written responses to convey. We will share that information at the meeting.

Please let us know if you have any concerns with this. Otherwise, we will see you tomorrow at 2:00 p.m.


Alice Cannon