From: Gerald Fisher
Sent: Wed Apr 15 09:49:12 2020
To: 'Bill Avison'
Cc: Alice Cannon (Molalla); Dan Zinder; Dan Huff; Andy Peters; Spencer Parsons; Ginger Harville (Molalla)
Subject: Termination of Services to 525, 545, and 565 W Main Street
Importance: Normal
Mr. Avison,
Per our phone conversation last year related to the City discontinuing the use of a bulk water meter at 545 W Main Street, you stated that North Sky Communications would be moving off of the site by the end of 2019. Rainier Amusement has also been operating on more than one of the Avison Lumber properties without Planning approvals or a valid business license. As I understand it, Avison Lumber also does not have a valid City business license to operate any businesses on 525, 545 and 565 W Main Street.
To date, North Sky has not vacated the property, Rainier Amusement continues to operate in the City of Molalla without land use approvals or a valid business license, and it appears that your site is also being used for semi-truck and trailer and other material storage not associated with Avison Lumber. Because your properties and those businesses are in violation of the municipal code, we will be terminating services to 525, 545 and 565 W Main Street. Water and sewer service will be discontinued to these sites on May 15, 2020 and the full amount owed will be due. Service will not be resumed until your properties and any occupancies of those properties are in full compliance with municipal code. Please work with Alice Cannon, Planning Director to clean up this issue.
Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director
City of Molalla
117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038
Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218
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