From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Wed Apr 15 17:22:12 2020

To: Gerald Fisher; Dan Huff

Cc: Ginger Harville

Subject: Utility Shut-Off Notice requirements in the MMC?

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;



I don’t know this section of the code, but want to make sure we are following any required procedures for notification, etc., regarding utility shut-offs. I am wondering if we are required to mail the utility shut-off within a certain time-frame. The other question is whether this is appealable by code.

I casually perused the Code just now and see this section (see below), though I think these provisions relate to instances when a utility account holder doesn’t pay their bill. It’s apples and oranges. That said, will Ms. Kellington or Mr. Ellis argue that we didn’t follow the proper procedures? I don’t know….always thinking. Thought I would raise the question so Gerald and Ginger can weigh in on what our code notice obligations are for informing Mr. Avison of this potential shut-off. We sent an email 30 days ahead. Is this the right procedure. Do we need to snail-mail it too? Does Mr. Avison have any appeal rights.

Some questions on a busy Wednesday evening,

