From: Bill Avison
Sent: Fri Oct 11 12:03:44 2019
To: Gerald Fisher
Subject: Hydrant Meter at 545 W Main St
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 2019_10_11_City Water Notice.pdf; Gerald Fisher Public Works Director City of Molalla 117 N Molalla Ave Molalla, OR. 97038 Dear Gerald, After discussing the hydrant issue with North Sky Communications, they have decided to acquire water for their operations elsewhere. They will no longer be in need of the temporary meter after 12/31/19. We have no immediate plans to add a larger meter service at this time. That may change when additional site development occurs. Thank you. Sincerely, BILL AVISON President AVISON LUMBER CO. PO Box 419 | Molalla, OR 97038 503-829-9001 Office | 503-210-1200 Fax 503-849-2877 | Enclsoure