From: Dan Huff

Sent: Mon Nov 13 09:25:54 2017

To: Gerald Fisher

Subject: FW: Focus Group meeting

Importance: Normal


Thought you might enjoy this read

From: Bill Avison []

Sent: Friday, November 10, 2017 2:32 PM

To: Dan Huff <>

Subject: Focus Group meeting



I was very disappointed to just learn that you did not to attend the pre-app meeting for the Focus Group on Thursday. David Church through direct communication with you, made an appointment over 3 weeks ago and made a special trip here to obtain vital information needed for him to proceed with his project. Aldo indicated to Mr. Church and Dennis that you would be available at the meeting and/or at minimum, you would stop in and meet Mr. Church and his partner/investor. Unfortunately this sent a very negative message to the Developer. This development over 30,000 square feet, would generate substantial tax dollars to the City and help to create local jobs and facilitate local shopping. As Mr. Church and his partner left and headed back to California, they commented to Dennis that they were expecting a more positive message from the City and instead they got the impression that they really weren’t that welcome. They also commented that this was very different from the other communities in Oregon where they have active projects. If I am miss understanding the circumstance, or if you had a serious conflict which prevented you from stopping in to meet this developer, I can accept that. I would however appreciate that you could at the very least, send an apology to Mr. Church for your absence. Thank you.





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