From: Wendie Kellington

Sent: Tue Feb 04 13:46:36 2020

To: Alice Cannon; Gerald Fisher

Cc: Mike Robinson - (; Bill Avison

Subject: FW: Fire suppression test

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg; 2019_Fire_System_Inspection.pdf; ATT00001.htm; 2020_01_22_Viking Fire Protection.pdf; ATT00002.htm;


Alice, Gerald,

FYI please see the below and the attached. Regards, Wendie Kellington


Wendie L. Kellington|Attorney at Law.

P.O. Box 159

Lake Oswego Or


(503) 636-0069 office

(503) 636-0102 fax

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From: Bill Avison <>

Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 8:50 AM

To: Mike Penunuri <>

Subject: Re: Fire suppression test

Hello Mike,

I understand there were questions raised recently at a pre app meeting that you attended - about the dry sprinkler fire system in our warehouse that Scandia USA and Pacific Belt are leasing. Looking into this further, there was some confusion in the past on whom was responsible for servicing and reporting of the fire System between Fire System West and Viking Fire Systems (the company that originally installed the system for Scotts Corporation). The system has been maintained constantly through the years with a major repair to the “dry valve” in 2018 as you may recall. We think Fire Systems West may have dropped the ball on sending inspection reports. Also the inspector for Fire System West created an air leak which caused the system to trip around the holidays. Because of this and other issues, we are in the process of deciding which company is more responsive in the inspections, reporting and maintenance of the system and should have an estimate from Viking this week to fix any “deficiencies” in the system and schedule repairs.

Not sure which report you received but an inspection was completed on 12/11/19 by Fire System West. We also just received yesterday an inspection report done by Viking Fire Protection done on 1/22/10. The reports are similar in nature. Both inspection reports are attached. We will schedule any repairs as soon we hear from Viking which should be today or tomorrow.

Mike, we are sorry that you were not getting the information previously. We will make sure the paper work makes it to your office on a timely basis. Please contact me directly if you have any other questions.

Thank You,



PO Box 419 | Molalla, OR 97038

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