From: Alice Cannon
Sent: Tue Dec 03 11:07:28 2019
To: Dan Zinder; Gerald Fisher; Dan Huff
Subject: FW: Molalla; Alice Cannon 11/22 Email
Importance: Normal
From: Spencer Parsons <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2019 10:02 AM
To: Alice Cannon <>
Cc: Kristen Ketchel-Bain <>
Subject: FW: Molalla; Alice Cannon 11/22 Email
Hi Alice,
FYI. I spoke with Mike Robinson yesterday. He represents Scandia. I told him that your email isn’t a final land use decision. Wendie Kellington asked me the same question. I will forward her email also. We should try to connect today or tomorrow. A couple of other forwards coming your way…
Spencer Q. Parsons
Beery Elsner & Hammond, LLP
1750 SW Harbor Way, Suite 380
Portland, OR 97201
t (503) 226 7191 | d (503) 802 0014
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From: Robinson, Michael C. []
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2019 2:41 PM
To: Spencer Parsons
Subject: Molalla; Alice Cannon 11/22 Email
Good afternoon, Spencer. Wendie provided me with Ms. Cannon’s 11/22 email, which I had not seen when we spoke earlier today.
Does your 11/27 email supersede Ms. Cannon’s email and, if not, is her email a final decision?
Thank you. Mike
Sent from my iPhone
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