From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Wed Dec 04 12:58:38 2019

To: Spencer Parsons

Cc: Kristen Ketchel-Bain; Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: Update on Scandia

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image002.png;


Hi Spencer:

As we just discussed by phone, you will reach out to attorney Mike Robinson to explain that the City believes the property needs to go through Site Design Review, as described in Chapter 17-4.2. More specifically, Section 17-4.2.020.A applies because we have no evidence that previous uses ever went through a Site Design Review land use process in the past.


Please let me know the result of your conversation with Mr. Robinson.

Thanks for all your help,

Alice Cannon

From: Spencer Parsons <>

Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 10:29 AM

To: Alice Cannon <>

Cc: Kristen Ketchel-Bain <>

Subject: Update on Scandia


I received a couple of emails from Mike Robinson this morning, and responded to both in one reply. I’m attaching all of three just to keep you in the loop heading into the pre-app. I’ll let you know if I hear anything else.


Spencer Q. Parsons

Beery Elsner & Hammond, LLP

1750 SW Harbor Way, Suite 380

Portland, OR 97201

t (503) 226 7191 | d (503) 802 0014

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