From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Tue Oct 15 16:48:28 2019

To: Mike Penunuri

Cc: Dan Zinder; Gerald Fisher

Subject: Thursday's 1:00 Development Review Check-In

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;


Hi Mike,

We have a couple proposals that involve a “change in use.” We want to invite you to be part of our weekly check-in at 1:00 so you can be part of the discussion.

  1. 1. The first use is for an old house at 135 Grange. It is in the C-1 zone. It has officially been deemed to be “abandoned” as a residential use, so needs to revert to commercial. We need to chat through what we are likely to require.


  1. 2. The second is for a new company moving to Molalla from Milwaukie. The company is called Scandia USA (Midwest). They are purchasing the property outlined in red below. We need to talk through our requirements as a group and then we will have a pre-app with the company on October 27, 2019.


We hop you can make this internal “huddle” with all of us cool kids at City Hall. ��
