From: Tony Brooks

Sent: Mon Jul 16 09:46:02 2018

To: 'Gerald Fisher'

Subject: PUE - Prairie House Partition

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 3907-P1 Moody Station by Cooter 2005.TIF;



This is about the Prairie House Partition.



1. For a required PUE along street front on a City of Molalla Partition do you need a separate document recorded or will noting on Plat cover it?

2. If a separate document is required do you have a preference document that we can start with?

3. City also requested a 10 ft PUE along 2nd & Eckerd St. There is a small piece of Lot 5 Moody Station between street ROWs and new Parcel 3. There is an "Access, PUE & Emergency Vehicle Access Easement" across Lot 5 already in existence that should transfer forward to Parcel 3. One the West end of this strip Moody Station notes it is 2.30 feet wide. So to me that means we need to provide about 7.7 feet of additional PUE to meet the 10 foot requirement. I would assume this strip need to be at least as wide as the segment of Lot 5 that touches 2nd St which is noted as 15.89 feet. So a PUE strip about 7.7' x 15.89' is roughly what we are looking at. Would this work for the City?


Thanks for clarifying this questions.



Tony Brooks, PLS


Land Surveyor & GIS Tech


Ag Geospatial NW, LLC

Molalla, OR

503.329.8008 cell & text<>