From: Tony Brooks
Sent: Tue Jul 31 18:41:55 2018
To: 'Gerald Fisher';; Brenda Reiner
Subject: Prairie House Partition
Importance: Normal
Sorry I was swamped this afternoon and just now got time to listen to your voice message.
You have what is the new acceptable mylar and Counties are almost liking it better for it scans much cleaner. It has been acceptable for about 6 months now in at least Clackamas and Marion County. It was a several month process to find a new acceptable material and this is one of the very few options found. The old style is no longer available, and you will only see from those who still have some left. Many have yet to figure out that the old style no longer exists when they go to purchase more.
Feel free to call Clackamas County Surveyor and note me and the mylar I am turning in. Ray Griffin and the County staff know me and were a part of the process for acceptance.
Thanks for checking and sorry I did not get back to you sooner.
Tony Brooks, PLS
Land Surveyor & GIS Tech
Ag Geospatial NW, LLC
Molalla, OR
503.329.8008 cell & text<>