From: Matt Marflake

Sent: Fri Oct 28 10:11:58 2016

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Stephen Knudsen

Subject: SDC Estimate - 600 W. Main St. Molalla, OR

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg; 500 W Main St._Molalla, OR_Generic Master Aerial Plan_10.20.16.pdf;



I appreciate you answering my call this morning. I have laid out below the information that you have requested from us so that you can calculate the SDC estimate for our proposed development at 600 W. Main St. Molalla, OR.

· Total Number Meters & Size of Meters:

o Water = Three (3/4”) & One (2”)

o Sewer = One (8”) *Can this be public and then we break off to the respective buildings?

o Irrigation = Two (1”)

o Fire = One (6”)

· Total Impervious Area:

o Entire Development = 114,645 SF

· Square Footage of Proposed Buildings:

o Proposed Retail 1 = 6,912 SF

o Proposed Retail 2 = 3,600 SF *Please note that this is different from the site plan attached.

o Proposed Retail 3 = 10,000 SF

o Proposed Grocery = 18,000 SF

Total = 38,512 SF

· Type of Use:

o Proposed Retail 1 = Automotive Retail Store

o Proposed Retail 2 = Restaurant

o Proposed Retail 3 = Bargain Retail Store

o Proposed Grocery = Typical Grocery Store

Like we discussed on the phone, we would like to have this SDC estimate reflect the entire development as a whole. Doing it this way would help budget for the entire proposed development. If you have any questions or if I missed anything please feel free to give me a call.

Thank you,


Phone 704-319-8303

Charlotte – 106 Foster Avenue Charlotte, NC 28203
