From: Gerald Fisher

Sent: Fri Jul 01 09:48:30 2016

To: 'Mike Penunuri'; 'Nicolas Lennartz'

Subject: RE: File P41-2016

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;


Hi Nicolas,

I need to look at what infrastructure they have on the frontage and the necessity for a fire line into the sit for a new sprinkler system. They will need to provide fire calc’s for building and Mike’s needs but at a minimum I will need a 4” fire line to feed a fire vault.


Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218

From: Mike Penunuri []

Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 1:58 PM

To: Nicolas Lennartz <>;

Subject: RE: File P41-2016

Good morning Nicholas. I spoke with Brentwood representatives several months back about this project they are facing two issues that need to be resolved.

1) Combining /attaching two building of that size pushes them in to a required sprinkler system as per Oregon Fire Code section 903.2.9

2) They are storing dried hardwood materials on racks above 12 feet in height. As per the definitions in chapter 2 on page 29, this is now high pile combustible storage. Due to the high pile storage, it pushes them in to a sprinkler system.

When I met with them previously I had informed them that in the first pole building, the sprinkler system was missed by Molalla Fire and Clackamas County and due to catching the issue on a final, the agreement was no storage was to be above 12 feet. I checked several times and the storage was always above this height. I don’t believe they were doing this maliciously but with how their product is shipped to them in combination with how it is stored on racks, this is impractical and impossible to maintain storage below 12 feet in height. They need to fully submit to Clackamas County construction documentation as required in the Oregon Fire Code in section 3201.3 so a true evaluation of the building can be made. They can view the code sites at the below link and click on the adopted codes tab and scroll down to 2014 Oregon Fire Code.

Michael C. Penunuri


ICC Inspector II

N.F.P.A. Inspector III

503-829-2200 Ext 104

Fax 503-829-5794

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From: Nicolas Lennartz []

Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 11:51 AM

To: 'Mike Penunuri' <>;

Subject: File P41-2016

Mike and Gerald,


I am reviewing an expansion of lumber storage for Brentwood Industries at 453 Industrial Way. They propose to add 7800 square feet to an existing 4800 sq. ft. pole building. If you could forward any comments prior to July 13, I will be issuing a decision on or after that date.


Nothing leads me to believe they propose to add sewer or water to the structure. Mike, he says he has talked with you about meeting fire codes, so I hope this isn’t a surprise.


Thanks, let me know of any questions.

Nicolas Lennartz | Community Planner | City of Molalla

O: 503∙759∙0219 | C: 503∙998∙7048

communityplanner at

117 N. Molalla Ave. | Molalla, OR 97038
