From: Brenda Reiner
Sent: Mon Jul 17 12:15:42 2017
Cc:; Aldo Rodriguez; Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher
Subject: CofO
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 20170717104816726.pdf; Please note all – the city has concerns with the storm water discharge on this development. The rain drains were supposed to drain into a storm pond on site and now they just drain into the parking lot gravel. See attached photos. The owners rep, James Bobst, said that the county told him to do this with his rain drains. I’m wondering whom from the county changed the design and why the city wasn’t notified of this change. Not sure what happened - just trying to figure it out before this is approved. Currently there is no landscaping anywhere and there is no storm system – this isn’t allowed by our city code – we need to connect to a detention system or pipe system. Shirley – can you ask the plumbing official if he knows anything about this? Subject: C of O - B0148617 - Pacific Fibre - Electrical Building TENANT NAME: PACIFIC FIBRE ELECTRICAL BUILDING ADDRESS: 410 SECTION ST. MOLALLA, OR 97038 TCO PERMIT # C OF O PERMIT # B0148617 MAIN PERMIT # B0148617 CONST TYPE: V-B ZONE: M-2 OCCY GROUP: S-2 OCCY LOAD: 6 CODE EDITION: OSSC 2014 SPKLRS REQ ? : NO CONTACT NAME: JAMES BOBST PHONE: 360-577-7112 FAX: E-MAIL: Brenda Reiner | Senior Engineering Technician City of Molalla 117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038 Office: 503.759.0243 I Fax: 503.829.3676