From: James Bobst
Sent: Mon Sep 19 10:31:41 2016
To: 'Dan Huff (Molalla)'
Cc: 'Gerald Fisher'; James Bobst
Subject: Pacific Fibre Products - Site Plan Review
Importance: Normal
Hi Dan,
On 9/9/16 I submitted a Site Plan Review to Gerald Fisher for the installation of chip bunkers at the existing chipping facility located at 410 Section Street that we recently purchased. I am just checking in to see if what I submitted is complete for your review and processing or to determine if you need anything else from me. If the information I submitted appears complete, do you have a possible date when the letter to Clackamas County (or approved / stamped Site Plan Review) from the City might be available. I will need this to submit to Clackamas County so they will be able to issue permits for the installation. Timing is an issue for me. I am scheduled out of state from 9/30 – 10/14. Just trying to do some advanced planning for my time away from the office.
I have enjoyed meeting Gerald and am quite impressed with some of the plans and visions the City leaders have for the community. I really appreciate your and Gerald’s assistance on this project. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience if you would like to discuss our project.
Best regards,
James Bobst
Vice President - Corporate Relations & HR
Pacific Fibre Products, Inc.
PO Box 278 / 20 Fibre Way
Longview, WA 98632
O) 360-577-7112; C) 360-430-0749; F) 360-577-1362