From: James Bobst

Sent: Thu Sep 08 10:59:28 2016

To: 'Dan Huff (Molalla)'

Cc: 'Gerald Fisher'; James Bobst

Subject: Pac Fibre Chip Facility Site Plan & Bin Cmplex drawings

Importance: High

Attachments: BIN COMPLEX CONCRETE DRAWINGS 11-18-09 _201609080846.pdf; molalla-Til Site Plan-Model.pdf;


Hi Dan,

Thanks to you and Gerald for taking time to discuss our chip bin complex

project. Attached is drawings for a complex we built in Longview. The

Molalla chip bin complex will be the same or very similar. I just want you

to have an idea of what we are doing. I have also attached a copy of our

site plan. The bunker foundation on the drawing is the project we are

seeking permits for. If you could take a look at it and let me know if there

is anything else you may need, I'd a appreciate it. I plan on being in

Molalla tomorrow and hopefully can submit the Site Plan and the Review

Application. Do I need to have a check at the time I submit the documents,

or can I get the amount when I submit application and then get a check down

to the City next week? If I need to pay at the time I submit the documents,

could you let me know the application fee amount ASAP so I can have a check

ready to go.


I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Thanks for everything.


Best regards,


James Bobst

Vice President - Corporate Relations & HR

Pacific Fibre Products, Inc.

PO Box 278 / 20 Fibre Way

Longview, WA 98632

O) 360-577-7112; Direct) 360-749-8042;  C) 360-430-0749;  F) 360-577-1362



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