From: Tony Brooks

Sent: Mon Apr 16 13:16:21 2018



Subject: FW: Legal Tax Lots

Importance: Normal

Attachments: MRSD property 357 France St Molalla on GoogleEarth_Image.jpg;



Please see County Cartographer’s reply to my question.

So that portion of Tax Lot 500 south of Frances Street is still part of the overall Tax Lot 500. As I expected the only official way to divide property is per a Partition Plat or Subdivision Plat of which neither has happened for this property.

The other things I see is that the school district owns 2 legal Tax Lots being Tax Lot 500 & 600 per original mid 1960’s deeds as previously noted and in documentation below.

So, can we do a Property Line Adjustment, or does it have to be a Partition?

I know that the Partition would deal with Utility Easements within the Partition process and a PLA would need to address Easements outside of PLA process. The question pertains more to the overall processes and cost difference between the two types of surveys. It also appears the current line between Tax Lot 500 & 600 is across part of the school building. Attached image is not perfect but is close enough to note this issue. A PLA would solve this issue and help create the Aquatic Center parcel in a more cost effective and quicker process. So I need to ask the questions about options.


Tony Brooks, PLS


Land Surveyor & GIS Tech

Ag Geospatial NW, LLC

Molalla, OR

503.329.8008 cell & text

From: Ferris, Craig <>

Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 12:42 PM

To: Tony Brooks <>

Subject: RE: Legal Tax Lots

It sounds like you have the correct answer. A road dedication through the property does not change the deeded description of the property.

We may assign a separate tax lot number to one portion or just hook it across the street for assessment purposes,

but that does not create a new legal lot of record . Properties can also be divided into any size or shape by deed to separate parcels for tax purposes. The Planning Department of that jurisdiction decides what will be required to create a Legal lot of record for building purposes, considering Zoning, lot size, proximity to other building sites, previous deeds, utilities, etc., as you noted this is normally accomplished by a Partition Plat these days.

Craig Ferris

Cartographer 3

Clackamas County Assessment & Tax

503-655-8671 Ext. 7650

From: Tony Brooks []

Sent: Friday, April 13, 2018 9:50 AM

To: Ferris, Craig <>

Subject: RE: Legal Tax Lots


Another question that I think I know the answer, but because someone asked I need to double check.

Is that portion of Tax Lot 500 – 5-2E-09 South of Frances Street still part of Tax Lot 500 or is it now an individual property?

The question was noted that since attached deeds dedicated Street then they divided the property. I noted I do not believe this is true and a Partition is needed to divide property and a property can own on both sides of a road even after dedication. Course we all agreed weird things have happened before.

Tax Map and deeds all note and define one property. Book 633, Page 330 was a contract sale from Affolter to Molalla Union School and Book 665, Page 15 was a Deed sale. SN 28174 by Davis Jr in 1999 and SN 29485 by Pumphrey in 2002 also noted said deeds are still current and ownership crosses the street.

Thanks for any insights or comments you can provide to help verify and clear this question up. I have the same question out to County Surveyor to make sure I am not missing or overlooking anything.


Tony Brooks, PLS


Land Surveyor & GIS Tech

Ag Geospatial NW, LLC

Molalla, OR

503.329.8008 cell & text

From: Ferris, Craig <>

Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 2:34 PM

To: Tony Brooks <>

Subject: RE: Legal Tax Lots

This would be a City Planning decision.

Craig Ferris

Cartographer 3

Clackamas County Assessment & Tax

503-655-8671 Ext. 7650

From: Tony Brooks []

Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 11:44 AM

To: Ferris, Craig <>

Subject: RE: Legal Tax Lots


Thanks and I will obtain those documents and review them.

So would this be a City of Molalla Planning decision or a Clackamas County Planning since County probably has more history?


Tony Brooks, PLS


Land Surveyor & GIS Tech

Ag Geospatial NW, LLC

Molalla, OR

503.329.8008 cell & text

From: Ferris, Craig <>

Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 11:37 AM

To: Tony Brooks <>

Subject: RE: Legal Tax Lots

I attached a pre-1970 map of the property for your use. You can see here that the school property came out of a larger parcel (ARB 211). Tax lot 500 was divided out in the mid 60’s by deed Book 665-Page 15 from Fred G Affolter & Eva Affolter H & W. Tax lot 600 was purchased a little later on April 1, 1966 by Contract Book 678 Page 871. I can’t answer for Planning concerning how they will view the legality of these parcels but this will provide the pertinent information to make their decision for you.

Craig Ferris

Cartographer 3

Clackamas County Assessment & Tax

503-655-8671 Ext. 7650

From: Property Tax Information

Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 8:13 AM

To: Ferris, Craig <>

Subject: Fw: Legal Tax Lots

Clackamas County Dept. of Assessment & Taxation

Phone: 503.655.8671 Fax: 503.655.8313

150 Beavercreek Road

Oregon City, OR 97045

In keeping with the County's sustainability goals, the County Assessor and Tax Collector's office is open Monday thru Thursday, from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, and is closed on Friday.


From: Tony Brooks <>

Sent: Friday, March 16, 2018 12:42 PM

To: Property Tax Information

Subject: Legal Tax Lots


Normally I take this question to County Planning, but the properties are within City of Molalla and in the past, they refer this question back to County. So let’s see if you can help me or point me to who can help?

We are helping Molalla School District and the newly formed Molalla Aquatic District transfer a piece of property over to Aquatic District. Currently the Aquatic pool sits on part of Tax Lot 5-2E-09 00500 that is owned by School.

I also see that School owns Tax Lot 600 too. In Tax Lots overlay on Google Earth photo it appears that current school building is over the line between these two Tax Lots.

So are these both individual Legal Tax Lots of record or are they considered a combined legal property?

I assume the answer will help us determine if we can do a Property Line Adjustment or a Partition is needed for creating the new property around Aquatic Pool development.

Very open to comments and suggestions on this.


Tony Brooks, PLS


Land Surveyor & GIS Tech

Ag Geospatial NW, LLC

Molalla, OR

503.329.8008 cell & text


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