From: Brenda Reiner

Sent: Thu Aug 03 15:20:02 2017

To: 'Sanitech'

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: Contractor expectations in Molalla

Importance: High

Attachments: 1997 Molalla Standards.pdf; 018.JPG;



As I mentioned on the phone, I would like to have a short meeting with you to discuss the public works expectations for construction. I have attached our 97 construction standards to review. We are currently updating our standards and should have the new ones out in a few months.

I have inspected about half a dozen sewer repair and sewer connection projects that your company did and I have a few concerns:

1. Traffic control – Need to put traffic control in place for all jobs based on the MUTCD current edition. You can cone off and maintain a minimum of 2 , 10-ft travel lanes with cones – or you can use a certified flagger. You may want to consider sending a worker to flagging school or hire a professional flagging company. Whatever you decide – I will need to see appropriate traffic controls in place or I will need to shut down the job. Please plan ahead for traffic control.

2. Trench patching – whenever you make a street cut – you need to put at least cold mix back up to street grade. Hot mix works also – but not just leaving it gravel as was done at 308 Cole. This has been gravel (shown in attached photo) since July 21st. Please remedy this problem now.

3. Come to the job site prepared – with compaction equipment and water to wet rock to the correct moisture content.

Please get the trench patch on Cole fixed before this weekend. The city reserves the right to fix it ourselves and send you a bill plus overhead.


Brenda Reiner | Senior Engineering Technician

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.759.0243 I Fax: 503.829.3676