From: Seiffert, Wayne

Sent: Wed Jul 19 09:06:06 2017

To: Brenda Reiner

Cc: Cass-Crosby, Shirley

Subject: pacific fibre

Importance: Normal


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In my communications with Mr. Bobst, I requested numerous times that he submit plans for review. The only thing I could get from him was hand drawn sketches of a building. I informed him that the storm piping needed to terminate to a storm system (if available) and that the municipality had the last word on the termination point. He insisted that the city had no requirements and there was no storm system available. At that point I told him that at a minimum he would need to provide a soakage trench a minimum of ten feet from the structure to terminate the storm line to. If there were stamped plans, I never saw them and Mr. Bobst misled me as to the cities requirements and should be held to the requirements set forth in said plans.

Wayne Seiffert

Plumbing Inspection Supervisor

Clackamas County

Building Codes Division

503-742-4777 – office

503-519-5909 – cell

503-742-4741 – fax

office hours 7am-4pm Monday - Friday