From: Gerald Fisher
Sent: Mon Oct 15 18:25:39 2018
Required: Aldo Rodriguez
Optional: Brenda Reiner
Subject: Declined: Pre-Application Meeting
Location: Meeting Calendar
Start time: Mon Oct 22 09:30:00 2018
End time: Mon Oct 22 10:30:00 2018
Importance: Normal
Reschedule. Need to have a minimum of 2 weeks to review pre-application packets. They are changing a lot of stuff and we have not had time to talk about impacts prior to sitting down with them. Set up a meeting next week internally so we can discuss. Also, are they making coffee drinks. That is a different use then selling roasted coffee as a retail business. A coffee shop is a different traffic generator. Do they have enough parking? Will this trigger site improvements? Can all businesses be supplied off of one water meter and sewer service?