From: Carol Maloy
Sent: Fri May 15 12:10:03 2020
To: Gerald Fisher
Cc: Cody Spanfellner
Subject: MMC Chapter 17-3.6 -- Public Facilities (Site Design Review 118 N Cole)
Importance: Normal
Attachments: MMC 17-3.6.pdf; 118 Cole Site Plan.pdf; Hello Gerald Fisher .. I am attaching copy of the above section of Molalla Municipal Code. Asking if you could please open, and provide a quick review of sections that should be addressed in Site Design Review for our project (3 plex). Dan Zinder had suggested perhaps having PW look at this portion of MMC .. I have some notes, highlighted areas. The project will NOT require TIA , etc. There was a question about wording to handle the sidewalk and driveway access for the existing house and thinking I can address that in .17-3.6.020 — item A 2 .. and Cody Spanfellner can show that on a separate site map (?) — and asking if that meets PW purpose in this. We would appreciate you taking little time to look over, and point out any additional areas in the code to address. Appreciate your time. THANK YOU .. Scott & Carol Maloy Carol Maloy