From: Sam Miller

Sent: Tue Feb 01 15:19:33 2022

To: 'Cody Spanfellner'

Subject: RE: 118 Cole Paving

Importance: Normal


Hi Cody,

Mix Design will need to be submitted prior to paving, see below Public Works Standards for asphalt replacement. Asphalt need to be 4-inches min or match existing which ever one is greater. Once all public improvements are complete we can move forward with the closeout process (Final Inspection, Project Correction List and Maintenance Assurance and Warranty Bond) See section 1.17.17 and 1.17.18 for reference. Let me know if you have any question.

2.7.2 Asphalt Concrete Replacement

a. Base, sub-base, or subgrade material that has been removed shall be replaced with ¾”–0” crushed aggregate backfill (see Subsection 2.3.1, “Granular Fill”) or control density fill (CDF, minimum 28 day compressive strength shall be 200 psi). Bring the trench or excavation to a smooth, even grade at the correct distance below the top of the existing pavement surface so as to provide adequate space for AC pavement. Crushed aggregate trench backfill placed within 3 feet of finished grade shall be compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density, as determined by AASHTO T-180. Crushed aggregate backfill placed below 3 feet of finished grade shall be compacted to 90% of the maximum dry density. Place the leveling course for the full width of the trench where pavement was disturbed, including bituminous surface shoulders.

b. Compact the base rock and leveling course material to 95% of the maximum dry density, as determined by AASHTO T-180. At the conclusion of each day’s operation, the contractor shall patch all trench or excavation areas. Cold-patch asphalt mix may be used as a temporary patch.

c. The contractor shall make a 1-foot T-cut in the existing pavement surrounding a trench or

excavation. Trim existing pavement to a straight line to remove any pavement that has been damaged or that is broken and unsound to create a smooth, sound edge for joining the new pavement.

d. Within five (5) working days, weather permitting, after completion of all paving or utility work, the contractor shall repair all trench or excavation areas with hot-patch asphalt mix and tack and sand all joints and saw-cuts. AC pavement thickness shall be a minimum of 4 inches or match existing pavement depth, whichever is greater. AC pavement shall be compacted to a minimum of 92% relative density, based on the theoretical maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM D-2041, “Rice Gravity.”

1. When the pavement surface has been cored, the area shall be repaired as follows: At

the conclusion of each day’s operation, the contractor shall backfill, compact, and patch all cored areas. Cold-patch asphalt mix may be used as a temporary patch.

2. Within five (5) working days after completion of all paving or utility work, the contractor shall repair all cored areas with hot-patch asphalt mix.


Sam Miller | Sr. Engineer Tech.

City of Molalla

315 Kennel Ave. | PO Box 248 | Molalla, OR 97038

T : 503-759-0217 | E:

From: Cody Spanfellner <>

Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 2:48 PM

To: Sam Miller <>

Subject: 118 Cole Paving

Hi Sam

We are planning to pave the driveway and street this Thursday . I am scheduling Carlson testing, can you remind me on the tests I need to have completed?

Is there anything else you need from me for the file on this project before or during the paving?

Thanks, Cody


Cody Spanfellner

Owner, CJS Builders Co.
