From: Rick Puffer
Sent: Wed Aug 18 10:42:00 2021
To: Mac Corthell; Dan Zinder; Community Planner; Sam Miller; Dan Huff; Scott Keyser; Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein; Terry Shankle; Jody Newland; Crystal Robles; Steven Deller; Rae-Lynn Botsford; Jennifer Satter; Doug Eaglebear; Jacob Giberson; Connie Farrens;; Rick Deaton
Cc: Mom & Dad Puffer; Morris, Timothy;;
Subject: Letter Regarding 118 N. Cole
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 118 N Cole, Molalla - 8.17.21 Ltr.pdf; 118 N. Cole (Current Site Plan).pdf; City Staff / Elected Officials & Property Owner, Please see the attached letter regarding the 118 N Cole property and current status. A meeting and/or written formal response to this letter is intended as an outcome that would inform each of the adjacent neighbors that they have been trying to gather through this overall process. Thank you for your review of these items. A mutually acceptable outcome is possible based on additional communication and commitments. Cordially, "The directly adjacent neighbors to 118 N. Cole" (listed below) Carma Puffer / Rick Puffer Tim Morris Lisa Haffey Jeff Fizsimmons