From: Rick Puffer
Sent: Tue Aug 24 14:01:16 2021
To: Mac Corthell; Dan Zinder; Community Planner; Sam Miller; Dan Huff; Scott Keyser; Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein; Terry Shankle; Jody Newland; Crystal Robles; Steven Deller; Rae-Lynn Botsford; Jennifer Satter; Doug Eaglebear; Jacob Giberson; Connie Farrens;; Rick Deaton
Cc: Mom & Dad Puffer; Morris, Timothy;;
Subject: August 24th 2021 - Letter Regarding 118 N. Cole (Request for Meeting)
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 8.24.21 118 N. Cole Ltr.pdf; City Staff / Elected Officials & Property Owner, Please see the attached letter regarding the 118 N Cole property. This letter is in context of the response given by Mac Corthell on Wednesday August 18th. A meeting is being requested as a follow-up to the items that have not been resolved, which are indicated within the attached letter. Thank you for your review of these items. A mutually acceptable outcome is possible based on additional communication and commitments. Cordially, "The directly adjacent neighbors to 118 N. Cole" (listed below) Carma Puffer / Rick Puffer Tim Morris Lisa Haffey Jeff Fizsimmons