From: Brenda Reiner
Sent: Thu Dec 07 15:14:18 2017
To: ''
Subject: 117 Shirley Driveway
Importance: Normal
Attachments: R-1070 Non-mountable Curb Type C.pdf; 20171207151001502.pdf; Jacques, The new curb that was recently poured is out of compliance with our standards and will need to be removed and replaced. There were several problems with this curb section including: 1. There is a wood board that was concreted into the concrete. 2. The rain drain (on east side) is too low and needs to come up so it drains into street. 3. The curb should be 16” deep at the deepest area and its barely 12” – so the curb needs to be deeper. See attached detail R-1070 which shows curb depth. 4. Concrete should not be in the asphalt area – only asphalt. Additionally, the steel plate has been in the roadway for many weeks and you need to pave this. Please freshen up the cold mix as there are exposed edges on the steel plate. Please either pave or put back cold mix before Christmas. Thanks, Brenda Reiner | Senior Engineering Technician City of Molalla 117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038 Office: 503.759.0243 I Fax: 503.829.3676