From: Christie DeSantis

Sent: Wed Apr 15 16:21:10 2020

To: Sam Miller;

Subject: RE: Water line in Molalla/Urgent records request

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Master Public Records Request Form 2019.Fillable Form.20191007.pdf; image001.jpg;


Good Afternoon Ms. Bronson,

Attached is our Public Records Request form. If you could please fill in the top section and sign it, I will be happy to proceed with your request. Since you provided a thorough description, I can attach this email to the request.

I’ve been in a meeting all afternoon and will not be able to get to this until tomorrow. I’ll be in touch if I believe there will be any costs related to this request.

Thank you and have a nice evening.

Kind Regards,

Christie DeSantis

City Recorder

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 | Molalla, OR 97038

Phone: 503.829.6855 | Direct Line: 503.759.0285

Fax: 503.829.3676


This electronic communication, including any attached documents, may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information that is intended only for use by the recipient(s) named above. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the communication and any attachments. Emails are generally public records and therefore subject to public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law.

From: Sam Miller <>

Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 2:28 PM


Cc: Christie DeSantis <>

Subject: RE: Water line in Molalla/Urgent records request

Good Afternoon Janet,

Not a problem, I’m glad to help and sorry I might have miss lead you on how to obtain the information you are looking for. Unfortunately you’ll need to go through our Public Records request for the information pertaining your property at 315 N Molalla Ave. Christie DeSantis is our Public Recorder and can help you through the process. I have cc her in the email. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.

Hello Christie,

Janet owns the property located at 315 N Molalla Ave, which is land locked. She is looking for any public records showing the installment of the water line that crosses through the adjacent property to the north 114 Robbins St. and is there any easements in place for the service line. It sounds like she purchase the property 17 years ago with the precondition of the water service line all ready in place. To Make a long story short. The Property owner is building an office building on 114 Robbins St. and is threating Janet that he is going to remove the water line that services her property. Can you reach out to her and Please let me know if you have any question or if there is any thing I can do to help. Thanks


Sam Miller | Sr. Engineer Tech.

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 | Molalla, OR 97038

T : 503-759-0217 | E:

From: Janet Bronson <>

Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 12:42 PM

To: Sam Miller <>

Subject: Fw: Water line in Molalla/Urgent records request


Sam, I guess I got the e mail.address wrong. Please see forward message for any records held by City of Molalla.

Thank you. Jan Bronson

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "Janet Bronson" <>

To: "" <>


Sent: Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 6:53 PM

Subject: Water line in Molalla/Urgent records request

Good Afternoon Sam,

Thank-you for your time this afternoon on the water line issue at my property in Molalla.

I am hopeful your department can do some records checks in the city records for any information on easement or permits for the water line that goes across another's property to gain access to mine. My property is land locked and without this line we have no street access to the water main.

It is my understanding that you found some records from a replacement of the water main sometime in 2009 on the street in front of the property at 114 Robins Street. It is an assumption that the water gains access to my property at 315 North Molalla Ave by a right of way easement. I will be looking into that my self through county records.

I have held this property for about 17 years and have not made any changes to the access to the water from the cit the entire time. I know that we have a right of way easement for ingress/egress to the property through the parking lot of Robinson's Chiropractic Clinic at 317 N. Molalla Ave.

In the mean time any research you or your staff can do to see what the City of Molalla might have in public records, building permits or archives would be greatly appreciated. If any cost for the records please let me know and I will cover that.

Thank-you again for your time,

Janet Bronson

Property Owner: 315 N. Molalla Ave

Physical address: 709 Eureka Ave Silverton Oregon

Phone/Text: 503-916-9465
