From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Wed Sep 18 11:14:44 2019

To: Gerald Fisher

Subject: FW: 114 Robbins

Importance: Normal


FYI – this probably means that the County needs an engineer-stamped drawing ��


From: Cass-Crosby, Shirley <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 11:13 AM

To: Alice Cannon <>

Subject: RE: 114 Robbins

Oh, he ended up having residential drawing for a commercial building and in turn I sent him away. J


From: Alice Cannon <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 10:00 AM

To: Cass-Crosby, Shirley <>; Dan Zinder <>

Subject: RE: 114 Robbins

Thank you very much!

From: Cass-Crosby, Shirley <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 9:02 AM

To: Alice Cannon <>; Dan Zinder <>

Subject: 114 Robbins

Good Morning,

The customer representing 114 Robins Street is in to submit today and it appears all pages of your approval our stamped. J
