From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Fri Aug 02 15:24:18 2019

To: Ron Farner

Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Subject: August 2 Molalla Planning Department response to Mr. Farner's August 2 email

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png; image002.png;


Mr. Farner:

Thanks for your August 2 email:

  1. 1. The bike rack type you have proposed will meet our requirements, as outlined in Section 17-3.5.040 “Bicycle Parking. Please revise the 7/31/19 Site Plan to include the specification outlined below on the July 3, 2019 Site Plan. Please resubmit the revised Site Plan with the specification information.



  1. 2. The new site plan dated July 31, 2019 shows parking spaces at a 18 foot, six inch depth. This meets the City’s requirements, as outlined in Section 17-3.5.030.F


  1. 3. Based on the Site Plan dated July 31, 2019, it is still difficult to determine if a curb will be installed along the south edge of proposed walkway. Please add a note and an arrow to the plan, showing a curb along the edge of the concrete walkway. Please resubmit the revised Site Plan with this information.


  1. 4. After reviewing your new site plan date July 31, 2019 and the site conditions, the City will not require the ground-mounted heat pump on the south side of the building to be screened.


  1. 5. I read your email below. Despite this, the City will require compliance with the May 13, 2019 Condition of Approval below: Please submit a revised elevation showing the proposed stone siding turning the corner to the east elevation, matching the south elevation.



After you have made all adjustments to plans required above and those required by Public Works, please submit the entire plan set you intend to submit to Clackamas County for a building permit. Clackamas County requires the Molalla Planning Department to review and stamp the City’s approval on the plan set prior to the County accepting any building permit applications.

Please let me know if you have questions about these comments or about the City’s process.


Alice Cannon

Alice Cannon | Planning Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0219


Sent: Friday, August 2, 2019 12:11 PM

To: Alice Cannon <>

Subject: Fwd: bike rack


M) Per your email I have enclosed another picture of a bike rack, even though the one submitted is the same style as what the SCTD put in. Let me know if this is what you are looking for? On the new plans submitted it shows the location of the bike stand.

A) Per the rock on the east side, we can not do that. The wall will have to be put together in full and raised because we have only 2' clearance which is not enough room to do any work. On our original plans we did not include rock on either side and you requested that we bring it along the west side of the building and in the meeting stated because of the 6' fence and the building closeness that putting rock on the east side was not necessary as it will not be seen by the public. I am willing to go back to our original plan which did not include any stone work on the west side if that appeases you, let me know. The code does not require us to even put in stone work we agreed to the west side per your request.

F) If you review the new plans I submitted the parking is 18 1/2 feet.

H) If you review the new plans, you will see the compliance with the code. If you need further information or something different let me know so I can have the new architect address it as I don't know what else you need.

J) Again in the meeting you stated that because we have a 6 foot fence and no one can see in that screening the heat pump was not necessary. Again I refer you to the newly built dentist office on main street has multiple heat pumps visible from the road with no screening, but my one heat pump with a 6 foot fence needs screening? Do you get my frustration.

Tell me exactly what you need that has not been address?

Ron Farner


From: "Missy McCallister" <>


Sent: Friday, August 2, 2019 11:21:05 AM

Subject: bike rack