From: Alice Cannon

Sent: Fri Aug 09 17:16:42 2019

To: Dan Huff

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Dan Zinder

Subject: Ron Farner building permit authorization status

Importance: Normal


Hi Dan and Gerald,

It is my preference to wait to handle Ron Farner’s Building Permit Authorization upon my return. That said, he may want to finish making the edits we require prior to my return and be pushing for his Authorization to Release BPs.

I have given Zinder specific instructions on how he can check revised plans from Mr. Farner to see if they meet our requirements before signing off on an Authorization to Release Building Permits from Clackamas County.

In addition to showing us revised elevations showing the stone building base on the building’s east elevation, I am asking Zinder to reiterate that Mr. Farner is to resubmit the entire package of plans he plans to submit to Clackamas County for a building permit. I have asked Mr. Farner to resubmit the entire package on two occasions now via email. Because of our contentious rapport to date, I think it’s possible Mr. Farner may submit different plans to the County than he submits to us for approval. I talked to Zinder about that.

Because his submissions have been so piecemeal, I want to ensure we get a chance to look one more time at the entire package. This is important to me.

(Of course, Dan Huff can always override this, if we are in an urgent pressure situation or he sees it differently than me).

Okay, see you all later – on Monday, August 19.


P.S. Zinder told me today that he will be drunk with power next week. Keep an eye on him ��