Sent: Tue Jun 18 14:08:43 2019

To: Gerald Fisher

Subject: Fwd: 114 Robbins: Here are the application materials you submitted with your land use application

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png; DRW02-2019_Design Review Findings Decision FINAL 05-13-2019.pdf;



Hi Gerald,


Our understanding from the previous meeting was that the city would remove the sidewalk and reconnect the sewer and storm drain connections. The water meter is existing and should be in good operating condition. We have laid out on the plot plan the location of these utilities. The only request other than the above was the surveyor legal description and the easement which have been provide to you. Can you please review what Alice listed below and let me know whether you need anything else or if I have complete what you need? Alice is now stating we need engineering for the utilities?


Also I have not heard back from you in regards to the PGE pole being moved. Have you heard back from PGE?



Thank you,


Ron Farner



From: "acannon" <>


Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2019 12:31:59 PM

Subject: RE: 114 Robbins: Here are the application materials you submitted with your land use application




Thank you for the response. I did see those structural engineering plans and specifications from the earlier submittal. Those all relate to the structure rather than the site design. The plans you submit need to comply with the City of Molalla Public Works standards and address the engineering associated with these conditions:


The other drawings and narrative should respond to all of the conditions, as outlined in the attached Notice of Decision Pages 38-41.

Let me know if you have other questions.

Kind regards,

Alice Cannon


Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2019 12:15 PM

To: Alice Cannon <>

Subject: Re: 114 Robbins: Here are the application materials you submitted with your land use application

The engineering plans are pages 21 through 32.


From: "acannon" <>


Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2019 11:56:26 AM

Subject: 114 Robbins: Here are the application materials you submitted with your land use application

Good morning Ron:

Attached are the plans and narrative you submitted with your land use application. As I review the information, I don’t see that detailed engineering plans were submitted earlier. Feel free to look through this attachment and let me know if I am missing the engineering plans. You can direct me to the right page, if you see them and I don’t.

I want to be sure we have everything we need when we review this final set of plans. Everything will move smoothly if can easily see on the submitted materials that you have complied with all conditions of approval.


Regarding the Site Review application form, you are correct in stating that you filled it out earlier. You did turn it in with the original land use application. It appears that you turned it in with your land use application. That application is dated January 4, 2019. I don’t have a record that you paid the $50 fee for this phase of review. You paid only for the land use application review, which was $1,500. We have the receipt for this fee payment.

We would like to receive an updated Site Plan Review form with a current date, along with the plan submittal package and any accompanying narrative. You will also need to submit the $50 review fee. We will want to see one hard copy of all these materials and an electronic version of everything, either on a thumb drive, file-sharing link, or emailed to me.

Here is a link to a blank Site Plan Review form:

If you have any questions about this, please let me know. I’m happy to clarify anything from this message.

Kind regards,

Alice Cannon

Alice Cannon | Senior Planner

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0219