From: KIEFFER Loretta L
Sent: Tue Oct 24 07:35:26 2017
To: 'Brenda Reiner'; 'Gerald Fisher'
Subject: FW: 51687 (24) Notice of Deficient Constr {2017-10-24} [65781].doc 713 E MAIN ST. MOLALLA PUNCH LIST
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 51687 (24) Notice of Deficient Constr {2017-10-24} [65781].doc.docx; FYI _____________________________________________ From: KIEFFER Loretta L Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 7:23 AM To: Cc: JENSVOLD Martin R; ZELTMANN Ann; NICHOLS Marlene T; BACON Dan W Subject: 51687 (24) Notice of Deficient Constr {2017-10-24} [65781].doc 713 E MAIN ST. MOLALLA PUNCH LIST Hello Ray, New concrete expands and your concrete contractor did not put in expansion joint. You have the choice of cutting the concrete and putting in the expansion joint or I can keep your bond for 2 years. If the concrete starts to spall and crack due to the fact that the concrete has nowhere to expand then I can use your bond to repair the sidewalk & curb. It is your choice on what you want to put in the planter strip. Just don’t put anything in that will block sight distance. The planter needs to be level with the sidewalk. Loretta Kieffer District 2C Access Coordinator 999 NW Frontage Rd. Suite 250 Troutdale, OR 503-667-7441 Work Hours 6:30am – 4pm Monday –Thursday Work Hours 6:30am -10:30am Friday.