From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Mon Dec 06 16:16:56 2021

To: Clackamas Development Review (; Mike Penunuri ; Sam Miller

Cc: Mac Corthell; Julie Larson

Subject: DCA14-2021 - UGB Annexation and Zone Change For Lowe RD Properties - Taxlots 03500, 03600, and 03700 of Taxmap 52E08C

Importance: Normal

Attachments: DCA14-2021- Lowe Rd ANNEX ZC App.pdf;


Hi all,

Please provide comments for a proposed annexation of Taxlots 03500, 03600, and 03700 of Taxmap 52E08C along S Lowe RD in Molalla.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.


Dan Zinder

Senior Planner, City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave | PO Box 248

Direct: 503.759.0226 | Office: 503.829.6855