From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Wed Oct 06 08:51:38 2021

To: Marah Danielson - ODOT (; TAYAR Abraham * Avi

Cc: Mac Corthell; Gerald Fisher; Sam Miller

Subject: PRE16-2021 - Colima Apartments Phase II

Importance: Normal


Marah and Avi,

Touching base before tomorrow’s pre-app with Colima Apartments. Will ODOT be recommending additional improvements to the access or turn lanes as a result of this project? Generally want to get a sense if anything changes from the first phase with the additional units. We can schedule a time to discuss, if/as needed.


Dan Zinder

Associate Planner, City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave | PO Box 248

Direct: 503.759.0226 | Office: 503.829.6855