Sent: Mon Jan 25 16:19:59 2021
Cc: Mac Corthell; Gerald Fisher; PAPADOPOULOS Elizabeth; CASEBEER Grant
Subject: Yaw Property Access Improvements
Importance: Normal
Hi Craig,
My apologies for the delay in getting back to you. As we discussed, you would like an opportunity to get an overview of the access/roadway improvement project that are required for the shared access between your property and the Tractor Supply to the north. Additionally, as part of your partition application it is my understanding that there will be a requirement to donate right of way to ODOT as well as establishing an ODOT slope/utility easement. So, I think it would be most helpful to have a meeting with the ODOT Project Manager and Right of Way Manager to discuss your property. I have also copied Mac Corthell and Gerald Fisher at the City of Molalla if they would like to join us.
ODOT staff is available at the following times next week:
2/1 3pm
2/3 11am
2/4 2pm
Let me know which times work for you.
Hi Mac and Gerald,
Please let me know if you want to join us and what times work for you.
Marah Danielson, Senior Planner
ODOT Development Review Program